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File Search Report File Search Report                Download                 Buy Now 


File Search Report quickly searches selected folders or drives and creates a detailed report in an Excel file.
The report gives a clear view of the contents of your folders and drives. This allows you to easily manage them.
Each file has a link in the report and can be opened by clicking it.
The data in the report can be manipulated with the powerful spreadsheet features of Excel.
The Excel file can then be saved for future use or kept for reference.



- There are two types of reports: All found files and Duplicates only
- search option for case sensitive or non-sensitive
- columns in the report:
File path
File name
File type
Last write time
Last access time
Creation time
- the application provides information status on the total number of found files, listed files and the time taken to list them in the reports.


Insert All AutoCAD Blocks Usage

1st step:
Enter file or folder name to search for, or leave this field empty to search for all files and folders.
You can search for more than one name at a time, by separating strings of text with commas. Ex.: *xls, *jpg, *prod.doc.
Using wildcard characters
The following table shows how you can use wildcard characters to search for files or folders:

Kind of match Pattern Example Match Example No match
Multiple characters a*a aa, aBa, aBBBa aBC
*ab* abc, AABB, Xab aZb, bac  
Special character a[*]a a*a aaa
Multiple characters ab* abcdefg, abc cab, aab
Single character a?a aaa, a3a, aBa aBBBa
Single digit a#a a0a, a1a, a2a aaa, a10a
Range of characters [a-z] f, p, j 2, &
Outside a range [!a-z] 9, &, % b, a
Not a digit [!0-9] A, a, &, ~ 0, 1, 9

2nd step: Click Change Folder to select files location. ‘Include Subfolders’ Check Box is selected by default.
3rd step: Click Start Search.
4th step: Create reports. Once the search has finished you can create any of the available reports by clicking on their respective buttons: ‘Create Excel Report’ (Creates Excel report of All found files) or ‘Duplicates Report’ (Creates Excel report of Duplicates only)
- You can cancel the searching or the creation of the reports at any time by pressing on Cancel button.
- You can increase the speed of creating reports by selecting Hide Excel check box.
- Avoid changing columns or rows dimensions in Excel during creation of the report.


Insert All AutoCAD Blocks Screenshots

File Search Report

File Search Report in Excel

File Search Duplicates Report in Excel


CAD Utilities System requirements

Operating System Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003
Microsoft Excel 2000, XP or later
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